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A generic table display application to speed up work productivity. 


SMSooze's goal is to create a Generic Layout platform to be used as a framework for speeding software development.

A user friendly intuitive software that supports web platforms.

Users can edit the table display easily without any software knowledges
or background involvement. 

Color Palette

At the beginning of the design processes, we select out a primary and secondary color to set a tone for the application. 


UI Design

The focus is more on the UX which allow users to do simple editing without a need of a programmer / developer. A generic table display design suitable for a wide range of purposes. UI design created to best fit all info within a screen yet not overcrowding.
Table display info can be linked to database. 


It's an interactive prototype. Click on screen to start your user journey.

What have you learned from this project?

This project strengthen my skills in writing Javascript, HTML and CSS. I have a better understanding of how does SQL works and the use of SQL for storing, manipulating and retrieving data in databases.

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